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Cantata GWV 1135/13


GWV 1135/13
Mus. ms. (D Ds) 421-12 (link)
online? true
TITLE Ich bin zwar Asch und Kot
YEAR 1713
# of mov. 5
movements description 1.dictum (B,str,bc) - C - 3
2.rec (B,bc)
3.aria (B,ob(2),str,bc) - F - 3
4.rec (B,bc)
5.aria (B,ob(2),str,bc) - C - 12/8
PARTS B, ob (2), str, bc
Liturgical occasion (D) Rogate (5. Sonntag nach Ostern)
Liturgical occasion (E) Rogate (5th Sunday after Easter)
Church Season Ostern
original title Ich bin zwar Asch und Koth / Cantata / a / Voce Sola / 2 Hautb. / 2 Violin. / Viola / e / Continuo / Dn. Rogate. / 1713.
POET G.C. Lehms
original parts B: 1 - vl 1, 2, vla, vlc, vlne, bc: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2f.
# of orig. parts 7
Tonality C Dur
vocal parts B
BRASS_timp none
strings_and_other_soli none
STRINGS str, bc
# of vocal soli 1
COMMENTS ob in the vl-parts /fh
edition details Garri Editions
recording details  


concerten: c08, c09

partituur: 1135_13.pdf 1135_13.pri

musicxml: 1135_13_1.xml 1135_13_2.xml 1135_13_3.xml 1135_13_4.xml 1135_13_5.xml

midi: 1135_13_1.mid 1135_13_2.mid 1135_13_3.mid 1135_13_4.mid 1135_13_5.mid

tekst: ich_bin_zwar_asch_und_koth.pdf

audio: volledig (c09) (11'39")

video: volledig (c08) (11'47")


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